Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Five S's of Lean

Lean is an approach to process improvement that is well-known in manufacturing, but which can be applied to any process. These "S's" originated in Japan, and help build an environment conducive to a smooth-running process.



Begin by eliminating unnecessary items from the work area. "Red Tagging" is an effective visual method used to identify unneeded items, which can then either be moved to a central holding area or discarded completely. This step frees up valuable floor space, removes broken or obsolete tools and fixtures, and makes it easier to focus on the job.

The Five S's of Lean


The second S focuses on careful storage so the job can be carried on effectively. These are the questions to be asked:
- What do I need to do my job?
- Where should I locate this item?
- How many of this item do I need?
Other strategies for Set in Order are painting schemes that support the work, outlining work areas, shelving and cabinets for necessary items, and standard places for tools and materials needed every day. "A place for everything and everything in it's place" is a good American version of this S.


Once the first two steps are completed, and the work space is clear with needed work items in their places, it's time to thoroughly clean the work area. Why? Because a clean and orderly area makes work easier, raises morale, and really helps staff take pride and ownership in their work and work space. A clean area also makes it easier to spot leaks, deterioration of equipment, misalignments, and broken parts that ultimately lead to equipment failure and loss of production. The impact of the clean work space will show itself in several ways on the bottom line.


This step should always involve the staff from the job or area. There are always best practices within a work function, and the first step is to find these practices and bring them to the table. The staff discuss these and come to agreement as to the best, making these the standard for all work in that particular area. But don't stop with internal best practices, encourage staff to look outside the company, even in other industries. Southwest Airlines benchmarked the Woods Brothers pit team in NASCAR to see how their fast, effective turnaround of vehicles might have application in the airlines.


This last step aims at keeping the new changes in place, and it's the toughest to implement. Why? Because people build habits, and even when those habits are tied to poor methods of work, they're used to them and find it hard to change. Find ways to reward maintenance of these new changes, especially during the first 3 months. You will find production up, and morale and company pride on the increase.

The Five S's of Lean

Tim Connor is president of Rodeo! Performance Group based out of Ocala, Florida. Rodeo clients have developed action-based strategies, reduced interpersonal conflict to zero, enjoyed an ROI of up to 20 times, built highly effective business plans, and developed new habits and attitudes -into their leadership. Rodeo works with all sizes and types of business, specializing in medical practices and healthcare related businesses. You can check us out or sign up for our free newsletter, the Wrangler, at

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Monday, May 28, 2012

Place to Retire - Very Nice - Franklin Kentucky

Looking for a very nice place to retire? In the state of Kentucky, at the Southern border, is the small town of Franklin. Franklin is also Simpson County's, County Seat. It is located just off of Interstate Highway 65, about 45 miles north of Nashville, Tennessee. Franklin is also on the National List of the Top 50 Best Small Southern Towns, and I know why.

You see, my family and I lived in Franklin, Kentucky for about six and a half years and found it to be one of the very nicest places I have ever lived. In fact, one of my daughters and her family still live there, and she has told me many times over, that she wouldn't live anywhere else. The people in Franklin are extremely friendly and they go out of their way to help one another. For a small town, Franklin has almost every conveniences of a big city, without all the crime, violence and congestion.


This town is built around a beautiful old-style town square with the county courthouse in the center and a wide verity of unique specialty shops all around. The specialty shops are a great place to browse, to find those special items, which you didn't know you needed.

Place to Retire - Very Nice - Franklin Kentucky

Franklin is basically a small farming town with a population of approximately 8,400 (as of 2010 census) and about 17,300 for the entire Simpson County. Their primary crops are corn, soy and Burley Tobacco.

Franklin has its own hospital with well equipped emergency rooms. If you are in need of more specialized care, Bowling Green is just 30 minutes to the North and Nashville just 60 minutes to the South, with every specialist and service imaginable.

The weather here has the best of all seasons; The Summers reach into the low to mid 90s in July and August; and then in October and November comes Fall with all the vivid yellow, red and brown colors everywhere. The Winters here are great, reaching down to the low 30s and high 20s throughout January and February with usually no more than a foot of snow for the entire season. Then along comes Spring, with the April showers and all the May flowers which are especially beautiful with their bright colors all over the country side. At this same time the birds break out in song to brighten your day and lift your spirits. This is when you want to find a quiet place to enjoy watching and listening as nature comes alive all around you.

Franklin has a wide verity of attractions in and around the area. One is the Goodnight Memorial Library. It was built in 1937 and today it houses thousands of books as well as audiobooks, videos, music, internet access and ebooks that can be downloaded. Behind the library is the Goodnight Auditorium where schools in the area and other organizations put on plays and performances. There is something going on at the Goodnight Auditorium almost ever week of the year.

On the third weekend in September, there is the Festival on the Square. For more than 40 years, this historic square block around the courthouse, with its beautiful park setting, comes alive with Antique Cars, Food, Concerts, hand-made Arts and Crafts, Food, Quilts, Baby Cloths and Toys, Food, Paintings, Photography, Food, Woodworking and much, much more. If you are into or just enjoy, Antique Cars, this is a once a year event that you won't want to miss. You will have such a wonderful time with your significant other, your family and/or your friends. Just don't forget to bring your camera.

There are just so many things going on in Franklin; Horse Racing and Mustang Mania both at Kentucky Downs, two great Golf Courses, three Historical Museums, Music Festivals, Concerts, Parades and even an out of the 50s Drive-in-Theatre, open during the summer. There are three town parks, one of which is used for the annual Easter-Egg hunt, Little League Baseball games and even Rodeo Days with a real live Rodeo, Destruction Darby Auto Races and a Country Fair with all the amusement rides and food. And if you enjoy eating out, there is a very nice selection of international restaurants around town. Why, they even have a Super Walmart and a Home Depot at the south end of town. Could anyone ask for more?

Yes, the town of Franklin is a wonderful place to live and even a better place to retire. My wife and I will be retiring in another couple of years and we plan on moving back to Franklin. Hope to see you there.

I hope this information was enjoyable and helpful.

Thank you

Place to Retire - Very Nice - Franklin Kentucky

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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sports Nudity Bloopers

Who doesn't love watching athletes making mistakes? The media holds them up as gods and goddesses immaculate in their ways and the more fervent fans literally worship the sneakers they walk in. Some fans take sports too seriously. Other fans watch sports to catch those moments where the athletes are seriously embarrassed.

You can keep your mundane bloopers where the ball bounces of the head of the outfielder or the receiver tumbles into the opposing side's coach. The bloopers that can be truly harrowing to the athlete are the ones where flesh is shone. The sports nudity bloopers are the most embarrassing form of messing up on the field and each rare moment in which it happens takes egos down several pegs.


The events most likely to produce some sports nudity bloopers are the most physical and intense until something pops out. Men's soccer has a high probability of revealing more than the black and white checkered balls. Although a game played primarily with the feet, soccer players and not afraid to swing an elbow or grab a handful of shirt in order to seize the ball. Players soon hit the turf and start reaching around for anything on the way down, usually the shorts of the opposing player who while winning the ball pays for it in pride.

Sports Nudity Bloopers

Another event infamous for its sports nudity bloopers is the one that claims to be the most manly: rodeo. The self-proclaimed cowboys tie themselves to a horse or bull for some eight seconds, get thrown off, and then have the nerve to talk trash about every other sport out there. Rodeo is the deadliest sport around because the whole idea is to survive several seconds tied to a one ton animal trying everything it can to drive a hoof through your face or a horn through your stomach. When errant horns or a horse's teeth start ripping clothes, there is no doubt that you have to be nuts to get into rodeo, but you also risk showing the world that not everything is big in Texas.

Women try hardest to maintain grace in sports by wearing sports bras and shorts. The extra support makes the inevitable slip all the more degrading when it happens. Women sweat through their pants in tennis and reveal a lot in gymnastics, but what if you want to see what's hidden behind the over-engineered, space-age material? Any sport with grappling such as mixed martial arts, judo, and wrestling have a high chance of a shirt getting pulled to the side and something popping out. If you're aiming to catch a flash, then cheerleading is where to look.

Cheerleaders are notorious for tantalizing the audience. Some teams go so far as to demand members remove their pants before hitting the field and show a bit more than spirit. You might think that wouldn't count as one of sports nudity bloopers, but I assure you those girls are coerced by peer and coach alike. Shameful and therefore funny.

Sports Nudity Bloopers

Candis Reade is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about Sports Nudity Bloopers, please visit Sports Bloopers Site for current articles and discussions.

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Friday, May 18, 2012

Rogue Affiliate System Review: What Can Affiliates Learn?

Are you into affiliate marketing? Experienced or not, you probably are wondering what in the world is a rogue affiliate system and how it can help you. Before we get into what exactly is the system let's talk a little about internet marketing and affiliate marketing to make sure you understand exactly what this product gets into. Of course, I cannot tell you what about rogue affiliates if you have no idea what an affiliate is in the first place right?
Affiliate marketing is actual a pretty simple concept. Over the years marketers have made it sound more and more complicated with their slick ad copy but it really is not that big of a concept. Here it is in a nutshell: people need other people to send them customers, and pay them to do so. You can be one of the people who get paid to refer customers.

There are other ways to get paid in affiliate marketing outside of selling stuff of course. An easier way is to refer people to a website that wants to capture their email address and name. In exchange for getting that data the company getting it will pay affiliates a small one to ten dollar bounty for each new person brought to them.

Successful affiliates have learned not only how to connect the right customers to the right companies but also how to do it in volume. One such people is Rohail Rizvi the self proclaimed rogue affiliate.

While he never quite explains what a rogue affiliate is, from reading Rohail's work over the years you get the feeling that a rogue affiliate is pretty much one who carries his philosophy of hard work and dedication. A rogue minds his own path, is not deterred by others and focuses on his own success.

Upon determining it was time to do this rogue affiliate system review, i definitely got that sense of self confidence and self reliance from Rohial's work. This book is not about learning to be come an affiliate marketer. It's not about learning the new hot places to advertise. It is much more than that.

Rohail guides you by the hand inside his book, and goes over some of the never talked about nooks and crannies of the business. Upon reading you will a better sense of what it really takes to succeed and how exactly you are going to get there.

Hopefully this article on the Rogue Affiliate System helps you. For more information on the book and its creator click here.

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