Saturday, June 30, 2012

Cowboy Up! Western Wear: From Cowboy Boots to Stylish Western Handbags

Western wear isn't what it used to be - it's much more than a gal or girl could have ever imagined years ago. Not only can western wear fans find unique cowboy boots and cowboy hats today, they can now accessorize their western wardrobe with many other stylish items, such as western handbags and western wallets. Here's a quick guide to some amazing western fashion products that have come on the scene in recent years.

Western Handbags and Western Wallets


For the ladies, western handbags have become a necessary part of their western ensemble. Who wants to carry a purple or black beaded purse when wearing western clothing, cowboy boots and a cowboy hat? With western handbags, ladies can carry all their personal items, cash, and identification along to the rodeo or anywhere else without sticking out like a sore thumb! They can now carry a western handbag to match their western clothing and blend with the others.

Cowboy Up! Western Wear: From Cowboy Boots to Stylish Western Handbags

Western handbags come in an array of designs, colors and sizes to coordinate with almost any western outfit. Mahogany, Ebony & Ivory, Chocolate, Retro, and even Texas Flag styles are all available in "western" style along with many others! Other accessories to go along with western handbags include belts, jewelry, and wallets. Western wallets for the guys also come in different styles and colors.

Western Cell Phone Cases

Now, modern cell phones can blend with western attire with western cell phone cases. These are practical, made with leather for durability and flexibility, and come in different styles and colors. Men and women alike can carry their cell phones without doing injustice to their western clothing!

Western Tack and Western Saddles

Many cowboys and cowgirls won't dress in western wear unless their horse can too! That's why horse tack and western saddles have been made in all sorts of styles to fit every taste. The horse might not understand, but many owners want their horses to look great as well. Western tack and western saddles, along with unique halters, spur straps, and bridles, help to complete the rider's (and horse's) image.

Western Decor for the Home

Many western fans love to decorate their homes with beautiful western decor items such as paintings of horses, Native Americans, western scenes, or farms. Western decor goes wonderfully with paneled, dark brown or pastel room colors. Rustic furniture and tables also look great with western decor accessories.

Gift Ideas for the Western Fan

Western decor items and western clothing make great gifts for the holidays, birthdays, graduation and other special occasions. Shoppers can find all sorts of western products and gifts at online western wear retailers. Many small towns don't have a specialty western product retailer, so the Internet is a convenient solution. And, shoppers never have to leave their home to find great western handbags, clothing, horse tack and other western products.

Western handbags and other items are a great way to express one's love for the Old West!

Cowboy Up! Western Wear: From Cowboy Boots to Stylish Western Handbags

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the world's MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web. Learn more about Great Tips for Western Handbags or Majon's Clothing Accessories directory.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Getting a High Paying Job in Iraq Or Afghanistan Making $4000+ a Week

Why get a job in a War Zone? Some people make 4k a week and some make even more. The first ,600 is Tax free if you out of the country for 330 days out of 365. You make high pay, because you work 72 hours or more a week and there is the Hazard and Hardship pay on top of your regular pay. The danger varies between jobs, if you work outside the wire and with convoys it can be very dangerous. If your job requires you to travel in convoys it can be hazardous too. I have no knowledge of working as a security contractor and this article will not be addressing that type of work. Many jobs are inside the wire (on base) with not much travel and are relatively safe. Traveling can be hazardous Military Fixed wing is the safest, helicopter travel is less safe and convoys being the most dangerous.

Sometimes even inside the wire there is mortar or rocket attacks and a siren usually sounds and alerts everyone. There are hardened concrete bunkers you can take shelter in. There has been casualties from mortars and rockets inside bases in Iraq. I have had some mortar fire come close enough to shake my trailer, but for the most part I don't worry about it. There is also defenses against rocket fire and it called CRAM (Counter Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar) that shoots down rockets and mortars. It's been pretty quite on my tour so for. These are the questions to ask if you are considering a job in Iraq or Afghanistan or where ever the next war will be. For many contractors it is not there first rodeo or their first year here. There are many ex-military working as contractors, but there are many with no military background. Like me for instance, I do not have a military background, but some jobs do require military experience. I work in IT and generally IT does not require a military background. Usually there is leave after 4 months on the job so I would ask about that too.


OK now we know the dangers, so how do we get a job in the first place? One place to start is Web Sites like Clearancejobs. Clearancejobs requires a security clearance, but the job may be able to get you one. Do Google searches on contractors in Iraq or Afghanistan. KBR is the largest contractor in Iraq. Then go to the contractor's website and see if they have openings. Once you land a job your company will need to get you a reservation to get training at CRC (Conus Replacement Center) in Fort Benning Army Post Georgia. Some Contractor Companies have liaisons' at CRC that help step you through the process. CRC is not that difficult to maneuver through on ones own, if you can make it to formation on time you will be guided through. They have a web site that tells you more information than you care to know. The training takes a week, but there is allot of hurry up and wait, which the Army is famous for. You should have you military orders before you get there; many times they get emailed to you at the last minute. They have barracks on site or some companies pay to have their people stay in a hotel in Columbus Georgia a short drive away. If you stay in the barracks keep track of your valuables you can be ripped off while taking a shower. Lock up you stuff or it will be gone. There is a chow hall at CRC where you can eat for free.

Getting a High Paying Job in Iraq Or Afghanistan Making 00+ a Week

You are outside allot so be ready to brave the elements. It will be hot in summer without much air conditioning at formations or at most of the training for that matter. There is a physical that must be pasted, so if you health problems you could be denied going. It's best to have a physical before you go to CRC and have those test results with you. If you wear glasses you need two pair. You need to have your dental checked out by a dentist before you come; there is a form the dentist signs off on saying you will not have any dental problems while deployed. They will do health checks at CRC, but you have to pay for it. If you are over 40 there are extra heath checks they do (EKG, Cholesterol). You will be issued protective gear like a body armor a Kevlar helmet and a gas mask. You have to wear the protective gear while you travel and that's the only time I wear it. You have to sign for the gear if you don't bring it back they can charge you or your company around 5 to 6 thousand dollars. Then on the last day you are cleared to go and some contractors fly the Military Rotator Aircraft to Ali Al Salem airbase in Kuwait. Some contractors fly commercial airlines into Kuwait City and then make their way to Ali Al Salem and then for all its Military Air to their destination. It's a really long flight 17 hours or so be ready for it. Once you are in country there should be some one to scoop you up and take you to the your new work place.

Once you are in county most will be working 72 hours a week or so. Which is really a blessing since there is not that much else to do. After a couple days your given a trailer which is divided up into three rooms and most share that room with a roommate. The Dining facility or DFAC will be nearby for you to eat and there is usually a food court where you can buy Subway, Pizza hut and Burger king. There is usually a coffee house called Green Beans that has gourmet coffee too. There are PXs which is the Post Exchange were you can buy the basics that you need and some munchies. Different based have different offerings. If you a working at a FOB (Forward Operating Base) things will be more rustic and there may not be a food court or PX.

The Heat in Middle East can take some getting used to. The summers are brutally hot and it takes a couple weeks to acclimate. If you arrive in the summer drink lots of water as you body get used to the heat. Someone at CRC described the heat in Iraq like this: He said get your oven heated up to 500 degrees and then place a fan on the open door and then put your face down there. It is kind of like that, the heat feels very hot on your face. I guess that's why everyone over here wears scarves over their face. The average temperatures in Iraq are higher than 120o F in July and August and below freezing in January. A majority of the rainfall occurs from December through April and is more abundant in the mountainous region and may reach 40 inches a year in some places. The Iraqi climate is similar to that of the extreme southwestern United States with hot, dry summers, cold winters, and a pleasant spring and fall. Roughly 90% of the annual rainfall occurs between November and April, most of it in the winter months from December through March. The remaining six months, particularly the hottest ones of June, July, and August are dry. The influence of the Persian Gulf on the climate of Iraq is very limited. Near the gulf the relative humidity is higher than in other parts of the country.

In about three months you should used to everything and just be putting in your time and looking forward to your R&R and then that great day arrives when you get to go home.

Getting a High Paying Job in Iraq Or Afghanistan Making 00+ a Week

I am currently working in Baghdad / Camp Victory Iraq. I have a Blog web page and a Squidoo web page which I update frequently. My Blog post are sometimes Funny and some post talk about events happening in Iraq today. The new security agreement has some big changes coming.

Come to my Blog and download a file with Iraq and Afghanistan Job Web Sites to help you in your search.

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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Makeover and Remodel Your Motorhome or RV

Ten Good Reasons to Remodel Your RV:

1.Remodeling is the most economical way to get a true upgrade. As opposed to trading in your RV, remodeling enables you to add the features you need and the look you've always wanted at a mere fraction of the cost of a new RV.


2.Remodeling is the process of customizing and decorating an RV to suit your specific lifestyle as well as your personal tastes. There's no other way to accomplish this task.

Makeover and Remodel Your Motorhome or RV

3.Tasteful and competent remodeling adds value to an RV. This added value ultimately results in a higher selling price. Remodeled RVs also tend to sell faster because interested buyers don't want to miss out on an irreplaceable item.

4.Remodeled RVs tend to be of a higher quality than those that that haven't. Remodeling, when done properly, is a successful collusion of creativity, quality materials, and workmanship. While some companies claim to accomplish this feat at the factory, it's hard to compete with a proud owner that has all the time in the world.

5.The primary difference between a 5,000 RV and a 5,000 RV is the interior. Shrewd owners use skillful interior remodeling and selective upgrades to create a luxury RV at a fraction of the cost of a new high-end model.

6.Remodeling is extremely enjoyable as well as rewarding. Whether you're changing the style, or adding new features, remodeling projects are often filled with excitement and anticipation of a new living space.

7.Even though high-end RVs cost considerably more than a typical home, many lack even the most basic amenities including dishwashers, garbage disposals, book shelves, desks, and Internet access.

8.Remodeled RVs have significantly more storage space than new models. RV manufacturers don't have the time to install closet organizers, drawer dividers, rotating shelves, and pull-out cabinet inserts.

9.Even though there are more than two million full-time RVers, there's no such thing as a special model for full-timers. The qualities that make a good full-timing RV have to be implemented by its owners.

10.A huge number of people routinely remodel their RVs. The five most commonly performed remodeling projects are:

a. Replacing or upgrading the flooring

b. Reupholstering the furniture

c. Upgrading the window treatments

d. Painting or wallpapering the walls

e. Replacing the dinette with a table and set of chairs

Makeover and Remodel Your Motorhome or RV

Authors Jack and Julee Meltzer have traveled more than 150,000 miles with dogs across the United States. They presently live fulltime in a Class A motorhome with two large dogs and three cats. They have written three books for the RV Market including: “Camping and RVing with Dogs”, “The RV Makeover Bible”, and “The Smart RVers Guide to Saving Money”. They are experienced writers and photojournalists working on an upcoming book on RV Accessories.

The RV Makeover Bible:

Paperback/ 0-9769290-1-5

320 Pages

Available through, Baker and Taylor, and
By phone: 480-773-9148
By fax: 317-203-2115
By website:
By mail: Desert Winds Press, 15B Starrett Drive, Belfast, Maine 04915

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Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Meaning of a Single Rose

Many feelings can be expressed by flowers, and this non-verbal language is very popular nowadays. Each one of us has sent at least one message to someone with the help of a flower. Sometimes whole conversations between two lovers are spoken through flowers.

The most meaningful flower of all is considered to be the red rose. A single red rose is now usually used to send a message of love. There are also many messages that can be sent through single roses, like :


-a single white rose is used by someone that wants to say 'I'm sorry' to his/her significant other. It also has some other meanings. Since medieval times white roses are considered to be a symbol of light, purity and innocence, so sending a single white rose may also mean that you consider that person to be pure, or that your love is very pure.
The Meaning of a Single Rose
-a single yellow rose expresses happiness and love. Sending a single yellow rose to your half means that you are happy with your love and relationship. But be careful because single white roses have two meanings! They can also express jealousy, so sending someone one can mean that you are jealous. The best thing to do is to attach a note to the rose, explaining exactly what you mean.
-a single peach rose is used to send a message of friendship to a best friend or even to a lover.
-a single purple rose expresses beauty. So if you want to tell someone he/she is beautiful send him/her a single purple rose.
-a single pink rose is an elegant way of thanking someone because this is what pink roses transmit: gratitude.
Finally, a single black rose says 'it is over'. This is a way of ending a relationship - sending a single black rose together with a note.
But, as mentioned before, the single red rose is considered to be the most beautiful and romantic. Even from the ancient roman times lovers give each other red roses. In those times, roses were the symbol of the roman goddess Venus, the goddess of love, so ever since then a single red rose clearly states 'I love you'.
Also the red rose petals are used to symbolize love, and to create a romantic atmosphere. They can be left to float in the bath tub, or simply spread throughout the house or near the fireplace. If your lover is away you can add some rose petals to your letters.
Red roses have been a continuos source of inspiration for artists everywhere and thousands of paintings and poems have been written inspired by roses or by a single red rose. It has been said that a single red rose speaks volumes, so choose the fines rose and send it to someone you love now.
The Meaning of a Single Rose
Many feelings can be expressed by flowers, and this non-verbal language is very popular nowadays. Each one of us has sent at least one message to someone with the help of a flower. Sometimes whole conversations between two lovers are spoken through flowers.
The most meaningful flower of all is considered to be the red rose. A single red rose is now usually used to send a message of love. There are also many messages that can be sent through single roses, like : -a single white rose is used by someone that wants to say 'I'm sorry' to his/her significant other. It also has some other meanings. Since medieval times white roses are considered to be a symbol of light, purity and innocence, so sending a single white rose may also mean that you consider that person to be pure, or that your love is very pure. -a single yellow rose expresses happiness and love. Sending a single yellow rose to your half means that you are happy with your love and relationship. But be careful because single white roses have two meanings! They can also express jealousy, so sending someone one can mean that you
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Friday, June 8, 2012

The Important Role of Branding

When we think about any major corporation such as Disney, Starbucks, or Microsoft, a certain image will come to mind. This image, quite often, is directly related to the product being offered by these companies. The large, playful letters of Disney's name gives a person a sense of not only what the company is, but also a certain feel for the playful nature and the youthful quality of their business. Everything you see associated with Disney will carry this logo, which is a prime and powerful example of corporate branding.

Any business needs to be memorable if it wants to be successful and this truth becomes a more pressing need when a company starts to offer multiple services and products. To stress this concept, let me continue with my example. Whether it's on television shows, movies, toys or candy, anyone would know if it's a Disney production or creation. In the same way, so should a person know everything your company excels in. This is where the effective use of commercialized color printing can help a business develop an effective brand and bring all their products under the blanket of their logo.


The design of a company's logo is going to be one of the most important details. If you're going to take the time to brand every product you want to create, make sure it's something people will be quick to recall and will be pleased to look at. A brand needs to be a reflection of the business. It needs to be eye catching, something only printing with brilliant colors can achieve. A black and white logo will quite often fade into the background of the product. To cite another major company, there's a reason why the logo for Microsoft Windows is multicolored. And it's the same reason why people can immediately identify the logo as Microsoft. People mostly remember unique color schemes, interesting designs, and of course memorable icons or images.

The Important Role of Branding

The significance of branding doesn't just apply to larger companies, either. Personal branding can be just as important to a small business or a freelancer as it is to an entity like Microsoft. The only difference of corporate versus personal branding is that you brand yourself, not so much your products and services since if you really look at it, YOU are the product or the service.

Just like with bigger companies, the end goal is to make a person feel comfortable and familiar with you and, most importantly, remember you after every transaction. You should also always be prepared with promotional materials like business cards, catalogs, letterheads in case someone's interested in learning more about you. And of course, on all of those should be your beautifully crafted, colorful logo. Every kind of color printing you do for your company, no matter what it is, the brand should always be there. Consistency is key.

Gaining trust in a company is the greatest desire of any customer. If anyone buys a product or hires out a service, they want to know they can trust whatever they're getting. And once that trust is gained, they'll be quick to stick with the people they know are reliable and delivers high quality goods. Consistency with branding strategies allows people to recognize those companies they've come to identify and trust. Why make it harder for them to recall who you are by using a mediocre, non-descript and constantly-evolving logo when you could hand them a distinctive brand name, elegantly colored and printed crisp and sharp on every product or service you provide. Keep these points in mind and the next time customers need your services, they'll remember exactly who you are.

The Important Role of Branding

For comments and inquiries about the article visit: Commercial Color Printing

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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Rodeo Chaps - The Multipurpose Rodeo Gear

Rodeo is the competitive sport that has been a rage among spectators of Spain and Mexico, which has caught up with the followers of the game in the United States, Canada and Australia. Every game has its own set of skills that are meant to mark them apart from the rest, and every player has to be an expert in the game, capable of capitalising on their knowledge of nuances associated with the sport to excel in what they are good at. And there are unique flavours given to the sport by the special characteristics associated with the kind of paraphernalia and the accessories sported by the players, forming the unique identity associated with the sport. It is the similar case with Rodeo chaps that form an integral part of the game and give it the unique look and feel. The rodeo chaps, along with the other basic aspects, give the game of bull riding its unique charm and fervour.

The majority of accessories associated with rodeo are all meant to give protection to the participants and the ability to manoeuvre their course through, guiding the horse towards taming the bull. Rodeo chaps, on the other hand, are more associated with giving the game its unique identity, forming an essential part of the accessories that the players sport. The rodeo chaps are an important item in the "rough stock" event, which is essentially a specially designed batwing chap. The rodeo chaps is one among the many chaps available for the participants in the sport, with each of them having their own peculiar characteristics and features to come in handy for the specific occasions. The range of accessories available for the rider is meant to protect and to guide the horse and tame the bull.


The other kinds of chaps include the batwing chap, chink chap, shotgun chap, show chap, the schooling chap and the motorcycle chap. The aim of the rodeo chaps is to enhance and accentuate the movements made by the rider, which in turn add to the viewing pleasure for the audience and the judges, making them more dramatic and lively, enabling them to make the most out of the viewing experience. Rodeo chaps offer complete protection to the riders from the wilderness and from the elements, such as trees and bush, while they have been specially designed to allow for optimum air circulation as well, offering protection and comfort in their own peculiar style and fashion.

Rodeo Chaps - The Multipurpose Rodeo Gear
Rodeo Chaps - The Multipurpose Rodeo Gear

RodeoMart offers top-quality rodeo gear at the lowest prices. Enjoy a secure shopping experience with RodeoMart, offering a variety of bull riding gear and bareback supplies. We have many top-quality custom rodeo chaps makers to assist you in obtaining top-quality built to your rodeo chaps at a good price in a minimum length of time.

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Friday, June 1, 2012

Retirement In Wyoming - One Of The Best States For Retirees

Many retirees, who are looking to get away from the urban rat race, are moving to Wyoming. There you can find affordable housing, no state income tax, and overwhelming beauty. Some of our best memories come from the years that we lived in Wyoming. We found the people to be welcoming to newcomers and the landscape awe-inspiring.

As the least populated state in the union, antelope, elk, buffalo, and bear often out number the residents. However, there are very few places left where you can have the privacy and freedom that you find in Wyoming. The state is home to such breathtaking scenery as that found in Yellowstone National Park, The Grand Teton National Park, Bighorn Canyon, Wind River Canyon, and Shoshone National Forest.


Wyoming is an outdoor paradise. In summers, the residents and visitors can enjoy hiking, fly fishing, rock climbing, boating, mountain biking, paragliding, and river rafting. During the winters, there is plenty of cross-country skiing, downhill skiing, snowboarding, snow tubing, and ice fishing.

Retirement In Wyoming - One Of The Best States For Retirees

Some of the cities in Wyoming that retirees have discovered are:

Cheyenne, which is the state capital of Wyoming, is located in the extreme southeastern part of the state. Beautiful countryside, low crime rate, and affordability help to make Cheyenne one of the best towns to retire in. It is surprising to find a town of this size with such quality healthcare, art galleries, museums, and a Civic Center. In July, Cheyenne also hosts the Cheyenne Frontier Days, which is the largest outdoor rodeo in the nation. Laramie, located on the Laramie River between the Snowy Range and the Laramie Range, is home to the University of Wyoming - the state's only 4-year educational institution. Located two and a half hours from Denver, Colorado, Laramie has the benefits of nearby big city life and the charm of small town living. Jackson Hole is filled with luxury resorts, sushi bars, fine restaurants, and spas - which you don't expect to find in such an isolated area. However, unlike other sophisticated ski resorts, the people in Jackson Hole are more concerned with skiing than appearances.

For those who can tolerate the long winters, Wyoming can be one of the best states to retire in.

Retirement In Wyoming - One Of The Best States For Retirees

Bobbye Henderson is the webmaster of For more information and ideas on retirement in the United States, be sure to check out this website.

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